Today’s Family Day in Israel, My home country; and what’s better than to make yummy food WITH the ones you love? I love engaging the kids in food preparations; it’s so much better than staring at the TV screen or surfing the net, or even playing Lego’s together while fighting over the red blocks I love it when the kids are standing right next to me, listening, stirring, mixing, laughing. If you want this to be a fun experience though, you’ll have to pick something that would be easy to make on one hand and tempting enough for the kids to wait for it on the other hand. I came up with an idea last Friday.
I bought a plain chocolate cake; you know, the plain dry ones and made it into a real treat. The kids were so happy. I was happy too! Even though I ended up doing the cleaning
Ingredients for Chocolate Balls (number varies based on the size you make them):
1 chocolate cake– the loaf shaped ones (you can also use cake leftovers if you have them)
3-4 tsp. condensed milk or “Dolce de Lecce” (I used condensed milk – yummy!)
5 tbsp. whipping cream
2 tsp Amaretto/ Pina –Colada/ Kaluah (for the adults only)
½ cup coconut flakes
Optional: Sprinkles, cookie crumbs etc.
This is how we do it:
1. Crumble the cake (this was fun…the kids LOVED shredding it into pieces :)) in a bowl
2. Add the condensed milk and whipping cream (and the alcohol if it’s for the adults)
3. Mix it all up until it forms a dough kind of mixture. You’ll note that it sticks together and forms a ball while you mix it.
If it’s too dry and won’t stick together, add a bit of whipping cream until you reach the right texture.
4. Start forming the ball! Let the kids form the balls and then roll them in the coconut/ sprinkles/ cookies.
That’s it. You’re done. Place it in the fridge for about 30 minutes before eating and make sure you store in the fridge after it’s all done.
A fun option is adding some nuts or cookies or rice crisp cereals into the mix, so you have a fun surprise every time you take a bite
Have fun with the kids and remember that there is NOTHING in this world more important than your family!
Happy family day!