Hi everyone,
I’m Maya, welcome to my kitchen.
I’ve always had a passion for cooking, baking and basically for everything that has to do with the kitchen
As opposed to nowadays, where you can find everything online, up until about 10 years ago I used to buy cooking books and collect old recipes and so I ended up having tons of books and recipe notes all over the kitchen.
I keep promising myself that one day I’ll make myself available to tidying it all up and rewriting the recipes so I have everything in one place. Well…this was not about to happen anytime soon
Instead of rewriting everything I decided to re-type everything and share it with everyone. After all, what’s better than a good recipe someone had already tried and liked
In this website you’ll find my favorite recipes, the ones I came up with while trying to create something great to eat. It took time and sometimes more than one trial but it all paid up! These recipes are easy to make and do not require any special ingredients, because that’s how i like it – SIMPLE.
You know you made something that tastes really good when your son comes to you and says “Mom, you make the best food in the world”. I don’t need any certificates or awards after hearing this! This is the best token of appreciation one can get
Enjoy the website and I’ll be happy to receive your comments.
My site is hosted at Bluehost a company I would recommend to anyone who needs a reliable and affordable hosting.
Happy cooking!
*Photo credit – Halifax Photography (My husband)