Author: Maya Moscovich

Deviled Eggs with cottage cheese
Home Made Cooking

Deviled Eggs with Cottage Cheese and Herbs

Ever since I can remember myself I loved deviled eggs. I remember my mom used to make them when we expected guests or celebrated something. I know now that it’s funny I always waited for this special treat, because after all it’s just a hard boiled egg. So yesterday I celebrated, well…Wednesday, by making deviled […]

Home Made Cooking

Grilled Lemon Chicken

This Grilled chicken recipe is so easy! I was amazed. I usually make breaded chicken breast on Friday, but this time I decided it’s too hot to fry and stand in the kitchen for too long so I just mixed the marinade, placed in a zip lock, added the chicken and shook the sealed bag […]


Healthy Rice Krispies – Brown Rice Puffs and Honey Bars

I wanted to make a healthier version of Rice Krispies for the kids; something that has no marshmallow in it and preferably no corn syrup either. I made the rice krispies below and the kids enjoyed it so much.


Potato salad – so fast you won’t notice you just made it

Every Passover when we went to my mother in law’s house, you could find this salad which I think is a meal on its own and last week it hit me that I don’t need to wait for Passover to make this 🙂

Home Made Cooking

Breaded Zucchini and Eggplants – An alternative to Shnitzel?

Although in this heat the last thing you want to do is stand and cook or even worse, fry something, these breaded zucchinis and eggplants are a great treat or even meal when served with salad.

Home Made Cooking

Stir – Fry Vegetables – Add some red to your wrap

Last weekend was nice and hot, so we spent most of it laying on our deck, in the sun, while the kids were playing in their pool and running towards the sprinklers. After a while, obviously we all got hungry. Now, who really had the energy to get up and make something for dinner? I […]

Home Made Cooking

Grilled Haddock Fillet in Honey Mustard Sauce

When it’s hot or even warm outside, we always tend to crave for lighter food, something that will not make us sweat while eating it J I had fish (Haddock Fillets) in the freezer so I took it out and placed under running water, and meanwhile I whipped the sauce to top it up with […]

Home Made Cooking

Snack Wrapped Chicken Breast

You know how you always have snack leftovers in the cupboard? Some chips, A little bit of those nachos, pretzels perhaps, some veggie chips, not enough to nibble on though. I’ve found a solution; I have a way of making these usable and edible.