Ever since I found out I can bake my own bread I just can;t making my own bread. I can’t remember when was the last time we bought bread. I just made this whole bread making thing my playground. I play around with the ingredients, with the extras, with the combinations, the different flours, it’s […]
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Alfajores Layer Cake
A few days ago I celebrated my birthday. I’ve noticed that from some reason over the past couple of years, I’ve been having these moody birthdays. Not sure if it’s hormones or what, but every time it was my birthday I was unhappy about something, too sensitive, moody or grumpy. This year I decided that […]
Easy Spelt Biscotti
Biscotti. Biscotti. Biscotti. It’s almost as if you say it enough times you’ll sound more sophisticated right? especially saying it with an Italian accent I’m not sure why, but lately I’m seeing many biscotti recipes and mouth watering photos, of course it had to take a toll and here I am, writing about the […]
Soft Whole Wheat Spelt Dinner Rolls
I am pretty selective when it comes to bread. It needs to be dense but soft, have a nicely browned crust, it needs to have that fresh flavor without the after taste of yeast, yeah, I know I’m picky. I was browsing online, trying to figure out how to make dinner rolls, and I’m not […]
My Grandma’s Soft Lemon Chocolate Marble Cake
When I was little, I used to love spending time with my grandma. She used to come visit us every summer for a couple of weeks, make sure we have fun, eat well and don’t miss out on anything, all while slightly getting on my mom’s nerves She used to take us to her […]
Easiest Beef Stew With Potatoes
I’m going to start with a statement here: “I love my mother in law’s food” I really do, I’m not just saying it to become her favorite, it’s been too long and it’s too late now I’m just being honest with you. After we moved to Canada and had to adjust to life with […]
Fresh Salmon in Herbs and Walnuts
A few years ago, after deciding we are moving to Canada we had a few months in which we lives at my parents’ house. It wasn’t easy let me tell ya, it’s pretty hard leaving your fully independent lifestyle behind and moving to your parents’ house with your family. My parents were amazing and we […]
Breaded Tofu Schnitzels
Every Friday we have the same thing, Breaded Schnitzels and mashed potatoes for me and the kids and something vegetarian to go with the mashed potato for the hubby. The kids love it, I love it, why fight it? so basically every week the things that change are the side salad/s and the vegetarian dish. […]