I’m going to start with a statement here: “I love my mother in law’s food” I really do, I’m not just saying it to become her favorite, it’s been too long and it’s too late now I’m just being honest with you. After we moved to Canada and had to adjust to life with […]
Tag: Lunch
Gluten Free Bell Peppers and Goat Cheese Corn Muffins
I would like to start this post with a rant and go ahead and say it: I don’t like preparing the kids’ lunchboxes! not on a daily basis. Does this make me an awful mom? I hope not. I guess I’m the only one to blame. I have such high expectations and standards I set […]
Smooth Butternut Squash Soup
So what do you do when it’s cold and dreary outside and when you don’t really feel like standing in the kitchen for too long? Yup, soup. Pumpkin/ Squash season is coming to its end but I thought I’d give it one last kick at the can. I just found out that I had this […]
Mini Pizza Kugel Muffins – The Perfect Size for A Lunchbox
Last year I decided that if I can avoid giving the kids just plain bread sandwiches to school, then I should. Not only that the alternative is usually healthier and more nutritious, but I also noticed that the crazy amount of Gluten in bread and other gluten rich foods, was affecting my son’s mood and […]
Chicken Drumsticks and Olives – Kids’ New Favorite
Sometimes roasted or grilled chicken drumsticks simply do not do the trick with my kids. What, Drumsticks again? Mommy, can you peel the skin off? I don’t feel like eating this, and much more creative versions of this is what I’ll be getting If I keep making drumsticks the easiest and most obvious way. Well […]
Romanian Style Kebab in Peppercorn Sauce
Ever since we moved to Canada I haven’t had the chance to eat Romanian Kebabs. These flavorful patties are so good! In Israel you can find it in every grocery store and it is especially good when it’s barbequed. So yeah, it took me three and a half years but I finally decided to make […]
Homemade Mac & Cheese
The easy solution for any lunch or dinner with the kids is Mac & Cheese. I have to confess that I’ve never made Mac & Cheese myself. I always have these kits with the macaroni and cheese powder you mix together and serve. I do buy the organic ones with no food colorings and all […]
Feta and Olive Turnovers
I don’t always feel like having a big meal. In fact, some days I can live on dinner alone, I just don’t feel hungry, I’m weird like that. So on those days when I don’t feel like having a big meal, I make sure I do make something but smaller. Something I can have with […]