My daughter LOVES it when I make breaded chicken breast (shnitzel) and mashed potatoes for Friday, so that’s what I make every Friday but this time I felt like I’ve had enough of this Friday dinner for a while 🙂 Still..
Tag: Lunch
Layered Potatoes Greek Style
I wanted to make something new for Friday dinner but I knew I don’t have a whole lot of time after we come back from work so I had to think what I can make. Looking around and knowing how much my daughter loves potatoes I came up with this idea for potatoes with a […]
Broccoli Muffins – Quick lunch for school
I’ve challenged myself this year. I decided that I am not sending my kids to school with sandwiches as lunch, so every day i come up with something healthy they would like, and so far it works!
Mushroom Muffins
Muffins are traditionally known as a sweet treat. These muffins have a “twist” in them. Although they ARE muffins, they are made from cheese and vegetables and are perfect to serve as dinner with a nice salad on the side, a great lunch at work and a fabulous lunch bag “item” in the kids’ lunch […]