Isn’t life amazing? And busy? And amazingly busy? Yeah, I’ve noticed. The fact that I wasn’t posting for a while does not mean I stopped cooking (well maybe for a bit there) or eating (I wish). I WAS keeping it on the low side though, which means I preferred to snack on things than to […]
Tag: Zucchini
Beautiful & Easy Thyme Roasted Vegetables
We were hosting for Passover this year. I love hosting, but you know what I love more? The feeling after everyone’s gone and enjoyed their time around the table. Ever since we moved to Canada, we’ve been having our Passover Seder meals with friends. We used to have them with family and then it’s bigger […]
Amazingly Easy Maple Garlic Roasted Vegetables
I found my youngest sitting in a laundry basket this week, as if it was the most comfortable thing in the world. She was reading something and commenting about it to herself. So I stand there (in the kitchen of course, where else?) and I hear her saying to herself “Reading Star – What? I […]
Veggie Burgers
We always have a veggie burger in the freezer. It’s good to go on the BBQ and I also sometimes use it as base for some recipes. This time I decided I’ll make my own veggie burgers/ patties.
Grilled Lemon Zucchini – I love my BBQ
I want to start with an ode to my BBQ. Oh BBQ how I love thee, you make summer cooking so easy for me And once again, I utilized the BBQ for dinner – I love how easy it is. I always try to make sure that the kids eat their veggies; either raw […]
Breaded Zucchini and Eggplants – An alternative to Shnitzel?
Although in this heat the last thing you want to do is stand and cook or even worse, fry something, these breaded zucchinis and eggplants are a great treat or even meal when served with salad.
Colorful Cuscus with vegetable medley soup
Yay! It’s the first day of spring! I love spring! Everything is coming back to life, the flowers, the animals; even the people on the streets seem more alive Speaking of color, how about something colorful AND healthy for lunch/ dinner?
Veggie Balls with Sauce
Sometimes just plain meat balls are boring. I wanted to make something healthy, tasty and vegetarian, so the whole family can enjoy it. I opened the fridge, looked at what i had in it and came up with this great recipe for “Veggie Balls”. I then added the sauce that reminded an Indian sauce – […]